- Tina Nandi
Gratitude List # 10

I freakin’ LOVED this week. It was only three days at the office for Rob and it is so much easier trying to organise things and actually plan to get together with friends when everyone has time off. It’s official, apart from the mad heat of October, I am a fan of this month.
So this week I am grateful for…
// Having Rob home. Even if he was working away, I loved having him home.
// A crazy rainstorm earlier this week. Just last weekend, I was mourning the unceremonious departure of monsoon without one last delicious downpour and then it stormed on Tuesday evening. Wind, thunder, lightning, the whole deal. Apart from all the chaos it caused for commuters, it was a pretty spectacular show.
// Watching The Terminal with the husband. I find it hard to find good movies with clean humour and a great story nowadays, so I am grateful that there’s plenty to choose from the older films!
// Planning and executing a home-cooked meal for a couple of our friends. It’s a lot of work but turns out that I have a lot of my mother in me, and that’s a good thing. I am nowhere near as expert as she is, but I’m enjoying the learning process.
// Transforming our living room, and using our very practical multi-purpose tables (designed by Rob) as one very long lunch table. We also transformed our bookshelf, side table and storage trunk into seats! Ah, Bombay living.